
subSMCC1 – an innovative Nb3Sn sub scale magnet – successfully tested
subSMCC1 is a 4-layer stress-managed common coil (SMCC) magnet, which constitutes an important milestone towards a 14-T demonstrator

Peter Kicsiny received the FCC Innovation Award at the FCC week 2024 conference
© EPFL / CERN Peter Kicsiny, PhD student at the EPFL Laboratory of Particle Accelerators, has received the

BigBOX – a Nb3Sn demonstrator coil – reaches maximum performance without training
BigBOX, one of the CHART/MagDev R&D vehicles, is an Nb3Sn racetrack in a stress-management structure. Following one of

Francesco Lonardo received the Best Student Award at the MT-28 conference
© UNIGE Francesco Lonardo, PhD student in the group of Applied Superconductivity at the University of Geneva was one

Gianmarco Bovone – 2023 recipient of the Jan Evetts Award
© UNIGE Gianmarco Bovone, Postdoc in the group of Applied Superconductivity at the University of Geneva is one of

Best Poster Award at the FCC Week 2023
The FCC week, the traditional yearly get-together of the collaborators and proponents of the Future Circular Collider project

Record field in a 10 mm-period bulk high-temperature superconducting undulator
The HTS bulk undulator project recently achieved the specifications for the magnetic field strength of its 10 mm period

Combined function magnets with constant partition numbers lattice for the Future Circular lepton Collider
Optics developments with CFMs show promising results to improve the FCC-ee performance and efficiency. The FCC-ee project envisions

CHART MagDev CCT Dipole achieves record field
As one of the first CHART projects, MagDev at PSI designed and built a canted-cosine theta (CCT) demonstrator

CHART Project Successfully Tests 18-T HTS Solenoid
Fig. 1: Stack of four 12-mm wide pancake windings, prepared for mounting in the cryogen-free test station. This

CMS 2021 Award
Joanna Wanczyk (EPFL LPAP, LPHE and CERN) has been awarded one of the 2021 CMS Awards, given to

CHART MagDev recognized in milestone technical review
The CHART2 MagDev1 project underwent an international technical review of results and future plans on December 13-14, 2021.

Federal Council intends to increase the Swiss support for CERN projects
The mission of the CHART-Collaboration is to support the FCC project at CERN. On December 10 the Swiss

President of Swiss Confederation at CERN
The Swiss Confederation Councilor Guy Parmelin visited the magnet facility at CERN on 5th November 2021. During his

Increasing the design freedom in Additive Manufacturing
In our recent publication, we showed how to overcome current process limitations in additive manufacturing by segmenting the

Millimetric precision for a Future Circular Collider
A surveyor from CERN performs levelling measurements using the instrumentation and procedures from Swisstopo (Image: CERN) A team

New CHART project «MagNum» started
Sustainable and Consistent Integrated Modelling of Superconducting Magnets (MagNum) Projects in superconducting magnet R&D for accelerators are intrinsically

Tokamak Energy and Switzerland’s Paul Scherrer Institute sign collaboration and license agreement
Tokamak Energy is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Collaboration and License Agreement with the

New CHART project «FCC Geodesy» started
Determination of a high-precision gravity field model for the FCC region and improvement of the Geodetic Reference Frames

New CHART project «FCC Geology 3D Model» started
Development of a high-resolution 3D geological model and associated GIS-based subsurface data set for the FCC tunnelling work

New CHART project «FCC-ee Injector» started
Design and critical item test program for FCC-ee Injector (FCC-ee Injector Design and Test Stand at PSI) (FCC-ee

New CHART project «FCC-ee Dynamics» started
Accelerator design and simulation framework for FCC-ee: optics and collective effects (FCC-ee Dynamics) Develop a modular and extendable

Swiss research initiative CHART works on particle accelerators of the future
The design of the Supermagnet FCC – these three letters stand for the vision of a new ring

New CHART project «FCChh Stability» started
Long term coherent stability and diffusion studies for the Future Circular Hadron Colliders (FCC-hh and HE-LHC Stability) Studies

New CHART project «MagAM» started
Additive Manufacturing for Structural Components in Superconducting Coils (MagAM) Nb3Sn-based coils of superconducting accelerator magnets are impregnated together

New CHART project «MagDev1» started
Superconducting Accelerator Magnet R&D at PSI (MagDev) This project outlines a two-year activity of superconducting-accelerator magnet R&D at

New CHART project «FCC / LHC-Lumi» started
Luminosity Precision Measurements for Hadron Colliders (FCC / LHC-Lumi) Model and study the impact of beam-beam effect on

New CHART project «Resins» started
Development of optimized resin systems for SC magnet coil production (Resins) (MagRes) The project shall establish a body

New CHART project «Nb3Sn Wire Development» started
Development of recipes and methods for the fabrication of Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires with enhanced current carrying capabilities (Nb3Sn

New CHART project «SC wire characterization» started
Multiphysical characterization of Nb3Sn wires and of REBCO coated conductors (SC wire characterization) (WireChar) The project shall establish

New CHART project «HTS Bulk Undulator» started
REBCO Bulk/Tape-Stack SC Undulator (HTS Bulk Undulator) The Insertion Device group at PSI has started an R&D program
CHART (Swiss Accelerator Research and Technology)