Fig. 1: Stack of four 12-mm wide pancake windings, prepared for mounting in the cryogen-free test station. This coil produced 18.2 T.

Fig. 2: Stack of two pancake windings mounted onto the cold head of the cryo-cooler. Right: Henrique Garcia Rodrigues, technical engineer on the project.
An HTS solenoid was built by the CHART (http://chart.ch) MagDev project at PSI and achieved 18.2 T in a 5-cm bore, corresponding to 20.3 T on the conductor. The solenoid uses No-Insulation (NI), solder-impregnation technology, which was introduced at PSI with a licensing and collaboration agreement with Tokamak Energy Ltd, a compact-fusion research company based in the UK. The field was achieved in a cryogen-free conduction cooled setup, operating at 2 kA and 16 K.
The research on NI solenoids introduces HTS coil technology at PSI. In the coming months and years NI coils will be applied in the FCCee Injector Study at SwissFEL, and for special applications at SLS2.0 or other experimental setups at the institute. Beyond NI technology, MagDev’s efforts with ReBCO conductor will be directed towards the development of coil technologies that enable (i) the construction of high-field accelerator magnets at or beyond 20 T central field, and (ii) low-power superconducting magnet systems to achieve power-efficient accelerators at intermediate fields, in collaboration with CERN.
This latest result was achieved by MagDev’s HTS project team: Jaap Kosse (conceptual engineering), Henrique Garcia Rodrigues (technical engineering), Michał Duda (test station commissioning and operation), with support from Sebastian Hellmann (test analysis) and the PSI magnet section. The work of CHART MagDev is supported by PSI, the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, the ETH Board, and the CERN HFM project.