Accelerator design and simulation framework for FCC-ee: optics and collective effects (FCC-ee Dynamics)
Develop a modular and extendable software framework for FCC-ee design and simulation work. In a first phase new functionality includes a multi-turn multiple interaction point model of a Future Circular Lepton Collider (FCC-ee) including a full lattice description, beam-beam modules, beamstrahlung, radiative Bhabha scattering and strong damping for beam lifetime and particle losses studies. Lattice and collective effects should be modeled in a self-consistent approach. The project aims at studying the luminosity reach and background tolerances with cross talk between the interaction points together with possible mitigating technics. Intensity limitations driven by beam stability constrains is the goal of the studies. A newly self consistent simulation tool to design high energy lepton colliders will be delivered together with an operational scenario for the FCC-ee option.