CHART Project Successfully Tests 18-T HTS Solenoid
Fig. 1: Stack of four 12-mm wide pancake windings, prepared for mounting in the cryogen-free test station. This coil produced 18.2 T. Fig. 2: Stack of two pancake windings mounted…
Fig. 1: Stack of four 12-mm wide pancake windings, prepared for mounting in the cryogen-free test station. This coil produced 18.2 T. Fig. 2: Stack of two pancake windings mounted…
Joanna Wanczyk (EPFL LPAP, LPHE and CERN) has been awarded one of the 2021 CMS Awards, given to members of the CMS collaboration for their significant contributions and outstanding work.…
Optimizing FCC-ee Luminosity (FCCee Lumi)The project will deliver an optimized optics of the FCC-ee collider rings in four modes of operation for both two and four interaction points (IPs), including…
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FCC-ee High-Temperature-Superconducting Short Straight Section (FCCee HTS4) The project shall study, up to the test of a 1-m-long prototype module, the possibility of replacing the normal-conducting short straight sections (SSS)…
Mechanical Modelling and Failure Identification of Impregnated Nb3Sn Rutherford cable stacks (MagComp) Efficient LTS magnet system design requires accurate mechanical characterization and constitutive modelling at the level of Rutherford cable…
FCC-ee spin tracking and polarization studies (FCC-ee SPIN-POL)The centre-of-mass energy calibration based on resonant depolarization of the stored beams is a cornerstone of the unique precision measurement programme of FCC-ee.…
Muon Collider Feasibility Studies: Collective effects and muon cooling (Muon Colliders Feasibility Studies)Muon colliders have a great potential for high-energy physics. They can offer collisions of point-like particles at very…
The CHART2 MagDev1 project underwent an international technical review of results and future plans on December 13-14, 2021. We cite from the review close-out report (available here): "The committee was…
The mission of the CHART-Collaboration is to support the FCC project at CERN. On December 10 the Swiss Federal Council announced next steps to increase the Swiss support for CERN…