Enabling Technologies for the Stable Operation and Protection of Final Cooling Solenoids in a Muon Collider (MagMu)
This project is part of the HorizonEurope MuCol (https://mucol.web.cern.ch) project. Our contribution aims to develop novel technologies for ultra-high-field, high-temperature-superconducting (HTS) solenoids in the final cooling section of a muon collider. The specifications (>40 T in a 6-cm-diameter aperture) require significant advances to ensure electro-thermal stability and quench protection among other topics. The project will develop novel technologies for magnet protection, whether in form of innovative diagnostics to detect and localize electro-thermal instabilities, or in the form of non-traditional electrical insulation, for example using materials that switch between resistive and conductive behavior as a function of temperature or of electric field.
The project takes place from 01.06.2023 to 30.06.2027.