Joanna Wanczyk (EPFL LPAP, LPHE and CERN) has been awarded one of the 2021 CMS Awards, given to members of the CMS collaboration for their significant contributions and outstanding work. Joanna is recognized “For technical contributions to the BCM1F rebuild and commissioning in LS2 and for rapid feedback to CMS in the LHC Beam tests.” The studies of Joanna are performed under the auspices of the Swiss Accelerator Research and Technology Collaboration (CHART) in a CHART-CMS project called ”Luminosity Precision Measurements for Hadron Colliders”
Joanna has played a leading role in the assembly and commissioning of the newly designed BCM1F luminometer and beam induced background detector with radiation hard silicon sensors, optimized for the rate and fluence expected for Run 3. The BCM1F is a dedicated beam diagnostics of the CMS Beam Radiation Instrumentation and Luminosity project, installed in 2021 in the central region of CMS, just behind the forward pixel detector. This new detector together with the detailed understanding and suppression of beam-beam bias to luminosity calibration scans will contribute to CMS reaching an ambitious goal of 1% precision for the integrated luminosity measurement for physics analyses in Run 3. These results will pave the way towards defining the future hadron collider precision and physics opportunities.